Jump to links:
- Problem
- Proof from model trained to reason up to 20 steps:
- Proof from model trained to reason up to 12 steps:
- Proof from model trained to reason up to 5 steps, with hint:
This page is used to host some illustrations and animations for my schoolwork, there will not be any technical details provided.
How to read the proofs:
- Each row is a single step of reasoning.
- First column: The current sketch.
- Second column: Where to model is attending to.
- Third column: The action to take.
Let \(M\) be mid point of \(AB\), \(l\) go through \(M\) and intersect \(AC\) at \(N\).
Prove that \(N\) is the mid point of \(AC\).
Proof from model trained to reason up to 20 steps:
GIF proof:
Static proof:
Proof from model trained to reason up to 12 steps:
GIF proof:
Static proof:
Proof from model trained to reason up to 5 steps, with hint:
GIF proof:
Static proof: